The Leadership Foundation of Greater Las Vegas, in affiliation with the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce, develops these individuals at all stages, from an emerging leader to one who already influences and mentors other. This is a ten month program and each month they focus on another area in our community, Today’s program was centered on healthcare and particularly mental health awareness and resources. Our four therapy teams were the highlight of their day! During their lunch break we were positioned in an adjoining room and about sixty participants came in and out. We knew many of the leaders present such as CEOs of our partner hospital and the behavioral health faculties we visit. And it was an outstanding opportunity for us to network with other entities that lead our community. We had many ask about our services and several people about how they can become a therapy team with their own pet. Many of the attendees already knew Teddy and were coming in looking for him. But they also met Dylan, Ace and Chip and see the caliber of our teams.
Las Vegas Leaders meet the Love Dogs