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Back to UNLV

We returned to UNLV Lied Library for Welcome Back day. The students were so excited to see four of our therapy teams: Jim, Jeannie and Dude, Rosie and Birdie, Kristie and Beatrice and Charlie.  Today was a great visit as so many of the students were meeting us for the first time. They had heard about the Love Dogs and now know why they are called that!  It is still jarring to hear students tell us they were there with us last December 6 during the active shooter tragedy, Three of us who were there that day (Dude, Beatrice and Charlie) were with us today and students made a point of going back to the dog they spent all those hours in lockdown with. One young man told me was right outside the building where the shooter was and only wished he had been in the library with the dogs. 

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