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National Therapy Animal Day at UNLV

Today for National Therapy Animal Day we chose to spend it with UNLV in Lied Library. This relationship is so special to us and for over ten years we have been there for the students, and they have been there for us. We had six dog teams and everyone was thrilled to meet them all. One student came over to me and said “This is the happiest day of my life!”  And many students still wanted to discuss December 6 and noticed we had three of the dogs that had been there that day with us today: Charlie, Dude and Xoco. They wanted to make sure to spend time with them. And one student came up to me and said “Do you remember me? I was on the bus with Charlie on December 6.” Another student made a point of saying she is going to Kerkorian School of Medicine next year and was so happy to hear we visit there as well on a regular basis!  UNLV has become a second home for us and it is always uplifting to spend time with the staff and students.  Thank you to Jim and Dude, Jeanne and Ace, Susan and Angel, Diane and Chewie, Gabby and Xoco, Jeannie and Shawn for making this such a successful event. And a special thank you to my Charlie for being such an inspiration to everyone.

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